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Keyboard layout for “IPA Unicode 6… MAC”[^4^]


Another useful tool to know is the Character Viewer. It can be turned on when you click the keyboard icon and then select "Emoji & Symbols". You can click the settings icon on the top left corner and select "Customize list..." In the window that pops up, check "Phonetic Alphabet" and click "Done".

Below are the source files if you wish to adapt the Macintosh keyboard or documentation for your own use. The application for creating the keyboard is KeyLayoutMaker: or Ukelele. See Related Packages.

Ipa Keyboard Layouts For Mac

KeyLayoutMaker: Jonathan Kew, 2006-06-01KeyLayoutMaker is a Perl script designed to create Mac OS X keyboard layout files, based on simple lists of keystrokes and required Unicode characters. It is particularly suited to creating layouts for syllabic scripts.

Ukelele John Brownie, 2019-09-05Ukelele is a Unicode keyboard layout editor for Mac OS X versions 10.2 and later. The latest beta release version, 3.4b2, is available for download, and can be used on Mac OS X 10.9 and later. The previous stable releases of Ukelele, version 3.3 (for macOS 10.9 and later), version 3.2.7 (for Mac OS X 10.8 and later), version 2.2.8 (universal binary, for Mac OS 10.4 and later) and version 1.8.4 (universal binary, for Mac OS X 10.2 and later) are still available for download. This version works on Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and later.

2013-03-07 JW: updated kbd and sources (incl doc) to Unicode 6.2. Doc is now docx.2009-06-02 JW: both v1.4 updated 4 PUA characters to Unicode 5.1 and corrected to add barred-o on =O. Dvorak now has barred-o on s2008-12-12 JW: v1.3 updated for Leopard2008-04-01 JW: added Lane Schwartz' Dvorak keyboard2007-08-20 JW: v1.2 corrected documentation for right hook to [ 2007-08-17 JW: v1.2 corrected =# to match documentation2007-06-15 JW: v1.1 corrected z Z to match documentation, installation instructions2007-06-04 LP: removed version number of IPA MSKLC2004-03-17 JK: Page creation

Hi Paul,You'll need to download and install one of the above keyboards (try the IPA Unicode 6.2 Macintosh Keyboard v1.5) to type IPA text. Downloading the keyboard is fairly intuitive, but installing it on a Mac is a little more complex. We've provided instructions at If you continue to have trouble with the actual text input process once the keyboard has been downloaded and installed, please send an email to and I'll be happy to help you further.

Hello, I've downloaded the "keyboard layout" and installed it properly. However, if I try to use it, for example, in a word processor, I don't get anything different than if I'm just using a standard American English font.

When you downloaded the keyboard, a PDF file should have been included in the package (if you can't find this, send me an email at and I'll send it to you). This PDF contains details of which keystrokes will display which IPA characters.

If you continue to have trouble once you have the font and the PDF, send me an email and I will help you check that the keyboard has been properly installed and that you have everything you need to get going.

I just downloaded the keyboard viewer and installed it, but was still having trouble finding the correct keystrokes until I read the pdf that accompanies the keyboard download. That has a really useful set of charts showing the location of the symbols and the vital information about the 'dead' keys. In other phonetic fonts I've used, these have usually been the option key, shift key or a combination of these. In this font, however, the dead keys are the = key, the key. The fact that the latter two have to be accessed using the shift key makes it even more un-instinctive!

I downloaded the keyboard layout and font that goes with it, and set it up according to the instructions, but what I type still comes out in normal English rather than the IPA alphabet I wanted to use. Help?

Can someone help me access the IPA keyboard on my new MacBook Pro. I'm able to get the "IPA Unicode 6.2(V1.5) MAC, but it doesn't show IPA characters. I included it in my Library Keyboard Layouts and I have CharisSIL fonts installed.

On Windows, three keyboarding options are available: an IPA Keyman keyboard and keyboards which work through the Windows keyboarding system (MSKLC) for US, UK, FR, DE and PT (Portuguese) keyboard layouts.

It was designed to be similar to SIL's IPA Unicode Keyman Keyboard, in that the keystrokes follow a similar layout. In many cases keystrokes are merely reversed. That is, instead of typing n> to get a U+014B , you would type >n. This system is not always possible to maintain using MSKLC since the Keyman keyboard often used more than two keystrokes and this is not allowed using MSKLC. Please read IPA Unicode 6.2 (ver 1.4) MSK.pdf (in the download package) for installation instructions and the keyboard layout. Make sure that you reboot after installing the keyboard.

There are five keyboards, one is based on the US English keyboard layout, another is based on the UK English keyboard layout, another is based on the Brazil Portuguese keyboard, a fourth on the FR French keyboard layout and a fifth on the DE German keyboard layout. The FR and DE keyboards are new and have only been minimally tested. We welcome feedback.

Unicode Phonetic Keyboard from the Department of Phonetics and Linguistics at University College London. This is an installable keyboard for Windows which uses SAMPA key coding for the SIL Unicode Roman fonts.

IPA Transcription with SIL Fonts SIL Linguistics Department and NRSI staff, 2012-05-18SIL International has produced several font sets over the years that allow for the transcription of linguistic data using the International Phonetic Alphabet. This page should help the user decide to use Unicode fonts. It provides links to many relevant resources (choosing fonts, finding keyboarding solutions, figuring appropriate Unicode codepoints, data conversion, etc) with regard to the International Phonetic Alphabet.

2014-02-26 LE: updated IPA KMN ver. 1.42013-06-06 VG: Removed IPAKeys2009-06-04 LP: added FreeKey Windows package2008-10-6 LP: added debian package2008-10-1 LP: fixed typo in pdf for both KMN and MSK packages (no other changes)2008-06-18 LP: included mac keyboards on this page2008-05-16 LP: updated IPA KMN and IPA MSK packages for Unicode 5.12008-02-12 LP: updated IPA KMN US and IPA MSK US packages2007-10-16 JW: added IPA MSKLC UK keyboard and source packages2007-09-24 LP: updated IPA Unicode 5.0c (ver 1.1.4) KMN keyboard package2007-09-14 LP: Reverted back to IPA Unicode 5.0c (ver 1.1.2) KMN keyboard package as the previous "fix" broke the keyboard.2007-09-10 LP: updated IPA Unicode 5.0c (ver 1.1.3) KMN keyboard package2007-06-18 LP: updated IPA Unicode 5.0c (ver 1.1.2) KMN keyboard package2007-05-30 LP: updated IPA Unicode 5.0c (ver 1.0) MSK keyboard package2007-05-23 LP: added UK keyboard information2007-05-14 LP: added information to IPA MSKLC regarding non-US English keyboard use2007-05-03 LP: added IPA MSKLC 0.6 keyboard2007-04-09 LP: updated documentation in IPA MSKLC 0.5 keyboard package2007-04-03 LP: moved old downloads to a separate page2007-03-30 LP: added IPA MSKLC 0.5 keyboard2007-03-06 LP: updated to IPA Unicode 1.1.1 Keyman 6 Keyboard2007-01-30 LP: updated to IPA Unicode 1.1 Keyman 6 Keyboard2006-04-10 LP: updated to IPA Unicode 1.0.6 Keyman 6 Keyboard2004-10-11 - added IPA Unicode 1.0.5 Keyman 6 Keyboard

These are keyboard layouts to make it easier to type in the International Phonetic Alphabet. There are two layouts available, one based on QWERTY, the other on Dvorak. By default, these will function as a normal keyboard; however, if Caps Lock is on, instead of typing capital letters, it'll type letters in IPA.It's based on X-SAMPA.Most things are the same as X-SAMPA, including single-character sounds and modifiers with _.Any letter with a backslash after it, use the option key instead (e.g., ʝ is j\ in X-SAMPA, so type option-J to get it).Any time a ` or _

Type IPA characters in all your favourite programs, including your email, web browser, Word, Excel, Outlook and many, many more... These keyboards and applications let you type IPA without changing your hardware. Each one is Unicode compliant. 2ff7e9595c


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